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Significant expansion of the SHOWROOM
Image concept with around 20 agencies! Whether Bailly & Diehl/Hanau, Braun/Hamburg, Breuninger/Stuttgart, Frauenschuh/Kitzbühel, Globus/Zurich, Lodenfrey, Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck and Mohrmann from Munich, Peek & Cloppenburg North/West, Schnitzler/Münster, Uli Knecht/Stuttgart or Veljekset Halonen Oy/Helsinki: Gallery at the Areal Böhler in Düsseldorf is an important German fashion destination...

...for the very best retailers from the DACH region and Northern Europe.

One of Gallery’s unrivalled assets is its increasingly important showroom concept, which is now being further expanded. “For the first time, the upcoming edition will be attended by around 20 agencies. In addition to Norbert Klauser, D’tails, Die Hinterhofagentur and Pegaso, a number of new names will be making the most of the chance to flexibly use the platform before, during and after the tradeshow over a nine-day period, maximum 14 days, to do business and place orders,” summarises Ulrike Kähler, Project Director of Gallery and Gallery SHOES.

Due to the growing number of agencies taking part, the PREMIUM & AGENCIES area will be extended at the upcoming edition by 1000 m² and as well as covering the ›Halle am Wasserturm‹ and parts of the ›Alte Schmiedehallen‹, also home to CONTEMPORARY & ACCESSORIES, it will be located for the first time in the ›Alte Kesselhaus‹.

A total of around 690 brands will be exhibiting at the Areal Böhler. “Gallery is growing. Just like the number of agencies that will be attending both Gallery and Gallery SHOES,” says Ulrike Kähler.

As another important, stand-alone point of interest of the platform, EVENING & OCCASION, with another 80 brands, will once again be located in the ›Kaltstahlhalle‹.


PREMIUM & AGENCIES is for agencies and international brands that are based in countries such as France, Italy, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Spain, the UK or the USA. The names that will be making the most of the opportunity to stay for longer and showcase their labels after the official Gallery tradeshow dates include:

- Norbert Klauser with labels incl. Femme by Michele Rossi, Vintage Cachemire, Majestic Filatures 
- D’tails with labels incl. Barka, Bisonte, Alpha Studio 
- Celine Klauser with labels incl. Barbed, Kaos, Very Simple 
- Moderaum Fischer with labels incl. Barb’One, Lucky de Luca, Sternensee 
- Fashion 22 Agency with labels incl. Unbreakable Revolution 
- Pegaso with labels incl. Caruso, Matteo Rota, Rossi 
- The Last of the True/Stefan Kudla with labels incl. Blue de Genes, Universal Works 
- Die Hinterhofagentur with labels incl. Bob, Des Petit Hauts, Wool & Co
- Modehandelsagentur Ralf Klüver with Altea
- Agentur im Albrechtshof (Marcus Schiess) with labels incl. Hannes Roether
- Noon Agentur with Gabba Jeans
- WE-Distribution with Jonny Love, Just Junkies
- Agentur Wunschnaht with labels incl. Edwin, Oliver Spencer, Sandqvist as well as brands like Be Edgy, Hannoh, Luis Trenker, MOMA and Trippen.

“With our flexibility in terms of time, we are now offering an added value that you’d be hard pushed to find at any other tradeshow around the world. Due to the diversity of brands, there are also the strong synergy aspects that will attract more professional international buyers from Northern Europe again,” says Ulrike Kähler. “It goes without saying that the coolness of the Areal Böhler location plays an unbeatable role for agencies as it makes it possible for them to suitably present their brands without having to be tied to all-year-round contracts.”

But of course the agencies are not in any way obliged to stay beyond the official dates. Represented in the PREMIUM & AGENCIES segment, and only present during the official tradeshow dates, are agents such as Moderaum Fischer (with Barb’One, Ese O Ese, Lucky de Luca, Sternensee), The Last of the True/Stefan Kudla (with Blue de Genes, De Bonne Facture, Dukes Finest Artisan, Triumph&Disaster, Universal Works, Wolverine1000Mile), The Velvet Factory (with Kamo-Gutsu, Okyo) and fashion brands like Hugenberg, Lauren Moshi with cool LA tees or Knitts Cashmere.

From now on, Gallery’s new sister, Gallery SHOES, will also be playing an important role in the occupancy of the halls, attracting agencies and brands who want to use the platform at the Areal Böhler during both events. Such as the Gabi Heininger agency, for example, with shoe brands including Numero 10, Officine Creative and N.D.C. made by Hand, as well as Agentur de Silvio with shoe labels like AU79 and Corvari or Modeagentur Horst Lieberum with brands like Arcardia Bags, Bud to Rose, Melvin + Hamilton.


As well as the agency business, the core of the ›Alte Schmiedehallen‹ halls will remain the tradeshow business for premium fashion individualists like Ümit Ünal, Studio Rundholz, Elemente Clemente and Anette Schierholt, as well as accessories brands like Brasi & Brasi, Kikko and Nikky Stein, which will all draw in buyers like Breuninger/Stuttgart, De Blaker Exclusief/Hengelo/Netherlands, Dietz/Pforzheim, Hut und Mode Breiter/Munich, Mytho Accessoires/Düsseldorf, Zalando/Berlin or Uli Knecht/Stuttgart.


This area is a stand-alone cosmos in itself, subject to its own set of rules and for which a separate registration in the ›Kaltstahlhalle‹ will therefore be set up: EVENING & OCCASION will be showcasing around 80 international brands including big names like John Charles, Mascara, Fashion New York and Sonia Pena from countries such as Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland and Spain. An absolute must – and not only for the Austrian iconic bridal fashion salon Hänsel & Gretel from Gunskirchen, one of the first ports of call for anyone attending a ball in Austria. But also for department stores like Crusz/Berlin, Galeria Kaufhof/Cologne, Gewandhaus Gruber/Erding, Mäntelhaus Kaiser/Hannover, Ludwig Beck/Munich and Peek & Cloppenburg/Düsseldorf.

Gallery EVENING & OCCASION is a must-attend destination for buyers from the DACH region, the Benelux countries, Egypt, Australia, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Canada, Korea, Croatia, Lebanon, Lichtenstein, Norway, Austria, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Turkey, the USA, Cyprus and Russia!

Tradeshow dates for Gallery 2017/18  

Gallery 22 – 24 July 2017
Gallery 27 – 29 January 2018
Gallery 21 – 23 July 2018



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